Assignment 3 Documentation

How I think my game compares with my concept document:

Overall I believe that I stuck to my concept quite well, although my game is missing a couple of elements that where listed in the concept document. This is because I was too optimistic with my time management skills and my c# coding ability. Some elements that have been left out of the game are cut scenes that explain how the current part of the immune system works, mini-games within the levels allowing the player to understand the immune system better, and side quests where the player gets to learn more about the components that interact with the immune system. Although I hope to try and implement these elements into the game later on when I have more time and have increased my knowledge of the c# language.  

Asset List:

Player - A prefab of a basic player

Player 1 - A prefab of the final player with hit and hurt boxes

Enemy -  A prefab of an orange enemy

Enemy 1 - A prefab of a purple enemy

Enemy 2 -  A prefab of a green enemy

Enemycontroller - an animator controller that controls enemy movement


Enemy sprites -  Sprite sheet of enemy sprites

Player Sprites - Sprite sheet of player sprites

Player Attack Sprites -  Sprite sheet of attacking player sprites

Ground Tiles -  Sprite sheet for the tilemap

Trophy Image - Used in the GameOver_EnemiesKilled scene

Virus 1 - Is the background for Levels scene

FusionMed - Is the background for Title scene

GraveStone - Used in the GameOver_PlayerKilled scene


Attacking - Triggers the player's animation for attacking when mouse pressed

BasicSpawner - Allows a certain amount of enemies to spawn in a certain area (Modified from the KIT109 Tutorials)

EndGameListener - Recognised when no more enemies are in screen and switches to a game over scene

enemyHealth -  Tracks enemy health, and damage taken from player

Mover - Allows the enemies to move (Borrowed from KIT109 Tutorials)

PlayerMovement - Allows the player to move around the screen when keys are pressed (Modified from the KIT109 Tutorials)

Pursue - Tells enemies to follow and attack a target (Modified from KIT109 Tutorials)

SceneSwitcher - Changes scenes when certain UI elements are interacted with (Borrowed from KIT109 Tutorials)

wander - Allows enemies to wander around the screen (Modified from KIT109 Tutorials)


Title - Is the Title screen of the game

Levels - Contains all the levels present in the game, and has interactive buttons that take the player to the scene

GameOver_PlayerKilled - Is displayed when the player dies mid game

GameOver_EnemiesKilled - Is displayed when all enemies on the level have been killed

Skin - Scene for how the immune system works on skin

Cillia - Scene for how the immune system works with cilia 

Inflammation - Scene for how the immune system works in conjunction with inflammation

Saliva - Scene for how the immune system works with saliva

LA - Scene for how the immune system work with Lung Bacteria

B Cells - Scene for how B cells within the immune system works


a1 - Is the player's north attack animation

a2 - Is the player's east attack animation

a3 - Is the player's south attack animation

a4 - Is the player's west attack animation

E_Idle - Is the player's east idle animation

EWalk - Is the player's east walk animation

N_Idle - Is the player's north idle animation

NWalk - Is the player's north walk animation

S_Idle - Is the player's south idle animation

SWalk - Is the player's south walk animation

W_Idle - Is the player's west idle animation

WWalk - Is the player's west walk animation

Pursuit - Is the enemies pursuit animation

waNDER -  Is the enemies wander animation

Playercontroller - Controls which animation is used

Files Play in browser
May 31, 2024

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